Artist Statement
What I focus within my art, is my personal identity of being a first generation Mexican-American. I decided to focus on this because of the lack of cultural awareness I have for my “Mexican side”, as I have never been to Mexico or experienced traditional Mexican celebrations. I experience a disconnect from both cultures, left feeling like neither at certain points in my life. By finally learning more about my Mexican heritage, I hope to feel more connected to a part of me and my family that I have never really felt close to, all while learning more about what it means to be Mexican-American. I experiment with various forms of media in my art. I use various colors to express how I feel towards this side of myself. In trying to use more mediums, I helped push myself towards more experimentation within what I chose as subjects. I tended to focus more on Mexican objects, since those are the ones I am least familiar with. I wanted to demonstrate how intriguing this culture can be. There are times in my life where I feel this divide stronger than before, as well as times where I feel content with who I am. I aimed to convey these complicated emotions throughout my work.